Our Team

Chief Men's Health Engineer

Paul Rossiter

Paul has a background in Occupational Psychology, Cognitive Behavioural Coaching, Social Marketing and Behaviour Change.

Over the years he has delivered a comprehensive portfolio of health insight and behaviour change projects for Public Health Teams both nationally and internationally. He has developed many specialist training courses based on speaking with over 7000 men during this time and conducted almost 5000 health MOT’s. Paul provides no-nonsense approach in explaining how to improve Men’s health and wellbeing.

The last few years has seen Paul focus on priority groups. Reaching out and engaging communities to truly listen and understand how we can make services meet their needs. Working with people in local communities to harness their expertise and to increase our collective understanding of how to harness community strengths, work alongside community partners, engage residents and support them to improve their health and wellbeing, specifically with respect to their physical, mental and emotional health.

Paul believes individuals and organisations can thrive under particular conditions. A combination of occupational, social, physical, behavioural, emotional, environmental and economic factors will need to be tailored for us to flourish. To dare is to do and he does things a bit differently, supporting individuals, groups and teams to play the work/life game to their strengths, in their own style and a smile on their face.

May Robertson

May is a Registered Nutritionist with the Association for Nutrition with 6 years of experience working in research and public health.

May has designed and delivered weight management programmes for a range of targeted populations, including men’s only groups, ante- and post-natal women, and individuals with severe mental illness. Working both 1-1 and in group settings, May has supported hundreds of children, adults and families reach their healthy lifestyle and weight loss goals.


We Focus On Brands, Products & Marketing

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We provide the solutions to grow

your business

From Good to


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Digital Solutions

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Creative Strategy

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Powerfull Services

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We are Available Worldwide

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Helping clients win and keep customers - profitably!

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UX & Ecommerce

Professional Approach


Content Marketing

Thought Leadership


Strategy & Planning

Business Solutions


Strategic workforce

Development Manager


Our Beloved Clients

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ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.